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Which Cosmetics Dentistry is Right for You: Overview of the Types and Why Choose It

Cosmetic Dentistry is a big decision, but it’s one that can change your life. Cosmetic Dentistry can help you attain the perfect smile, improve your self-esteem and give you the confidence to do anything! There are different types of Cosmetic Dentistry procedures, all with their own benefits; this blog post will introduce these procedures and walk you through each type in detail. You’ll also learn why Cosmetic Dentistry may be right for you!

What is Cosmetic Dentistry

Having a beautiful, healthy smile makes for a great self-esteem boost. That’s why cosmetic dentistry is so popular today. People everywhere are finding new ways to improve the look of their teeth and restore broken or damaged parts – making them appear as they did when we were younger. This can be done with cosmetic dental procedures that are less invasive, more affordable and faster than ever before.

Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Types of Cosmetic Procedures & Treatments

Dental Fillings:

A dental filling is a procedure in which the dentist uses a tooth-colored material to fill holes and defects on your teeth. A lot of people choose this Cosmetic Dentistry because it’s low cost, quick and painless! Common materials for dental fillings include porcelain or white resin composites that match the color of your teeth.

Dental Crowns:

A dental crown is a covering that fully encompasses the visible surface of your tooth, restoring it to its original shape and size. Not only do they protect the health of your natural teeth but also help improve their appearance! Dental crowns cover up dark spots or stains on your teeth, making them look brighter and whiter than ever before!

Dental Implants:

Dental implants are titanium rods that act as anchors for replacement teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth due to tooth loss. They’re just like real teeth with the same shape, color and texture. Even brushing and flossing is the same, so no more excuses for bad dental hygiene! Since Dental implants look like natural teeth you’ll be able to eat anything you want without having to worry about how it will affect your smile (and they’re even better than real teeth because they don’t decay!)

Dental Veneers:

A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that covers the front surface of your tooth. Veneers are usually used to correct yellowing, discoloration or small defects in your teeth. They’re also very effective against chips and cracks! Since they’re so thin and barely noticeable you can still show off your pearly white teeth!

Which Cosmetics Dentistry is Right for You?

If you’re looking to improve your smile without breaking the bank, dental fillings might be right for you. They’ll give your teeth that extra boost of confidence and help them look their best. If you’d like to make drastic changes or want a procedure that’s almost like getting a brand new smile, veneers or dental implants might be the perfect choice for you!

Who Benefits From Cosmetic Procedures?

The purpose of cosmetic procedures is to improve the appearance of an individual. Cosmetic dentistry can be defined as any dental procedure which does not achieve structural integrity or functional improvement, but instead improves how teeth look aesthetically.

Cosmetic dental treatments are usually performed by a dentist upon request from the patient (or parent) for improving esthetic appearance rather than restoring function. Cosmetic dentistry is an elective procedure and not a part of routine dental care.

Most common age groups

The most common age groups that undergo cosmetic dental procedures are those between 31 to 40 years old (38 percent) and 41 to 50 years old (32 percent). Ninety-six percent of esthetic dentistry patients are also female.

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentistry?

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentistry

The decision to make a change is up to you. Some people choose cosmetic dentistry because they are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth, but there are other reasons as well! It’s important that you’re comfortable and confident in your oral health routine.

Cosmetic dental procedures can be adapted for many different situations and necessities:

– When someone has a damaged tooth

– When someone wants to improve their smile

– When someone would like to replace missing teeth with dental implants and other restorative procedures.

Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist in Your Area

Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist in Your Area

Tip#1 – When choosing a cosmetic dentist in your area, be sure to ask about their training and education. Ask them if they have been recently trained or certified on the latest dental techniques.

Tip#2 – Ask about their experience with different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as Invisalign or veneers. If you are interested in a specific type of treatment, make sure they have been recently trained and certified to perform it before choosing them for your procedure.

Tip #3 – Ask the dentist how long their patients typically stay satisfied with their results. If they cannot give you a short, solid answer on this point then it might be time to look for another cosmetic dentist in your area.

Tip #4 – When it comes to choosing a cosmetic dentist, check their reviews online and make sure they are using safe materials on all of their patients.

Tip # 5 – If you are unsure of where to begin, ask your family and friends for recommendations or look online at their before and after pictures.

Tip #6 – Once you have found the best cosmetic dentist in your area, be sure to ask them about financing plans and payment options.

Tip #7 – Make sure they offer both timely payments as well as monthly installments so that the process is easy on your budget!

Tip #8 – Finally, ask them about their general philosophy and what they believe makes for a good cosmetic dentist.

Tip #9 – Ask about their experience with different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as Invisalign or veneers. If you are interested in a specific type of treatment, make sure they have been recently trained and certified to perform it before choosing them for your procedure

How to Find the Right Cosmetic Dentist for You

How to Find the Right Cosmetic Dentist for You

One of the first steps to take when you are looking for a cosmetic dentist is to identify one that has experience in your field. There are many different fields where dentists can specialize, and if you need help with veneers or any other type of cosmetic dental work such as teeth whitening, then only choose someone who specializes in this area. The best dentist for you should have experience in the area of cosmetic dentistry that is most relevant to your situation, so make sure this is reflected within their website or profile.

One important factor when looking for a cosmetic dental professional is to ensure that they are easily accessible if problems arise after treatment has been completed. They should always be available to answer any questions that you might have, and should also provide a number of different ways for you to contact them. Look out for reviews online before making an appointment with any cosmetic dentist, as this can help give some insight into whether or not they are the right choice for your needs.

One way in which many people choose their cosmetic dentist is by contacting their insurance provider, as they might have a preferred list of professionals that they cover. This can be a good place to start, but you should always do your own research online before committing yourself if it seems like the best option for you.

It is also a good idea to tap into the network of contacts that you have, as they might be able to offer some personal advice on which cosmetic dentist would work best for your needs.

The last step before making an appointment with any cosmetic dentist is finding out what their fees are. It can often feel uncomfortable asking about this topic beforehand, but the fees will usually be discussed with you before any treatment is carried out.

Questions to Ask Your Cosmetic Dentist

What are the different cosmetic dentistry procedures available?

– Smile Makeovers

– Teeth Whitening

– Veneers & Bonding

– Porcelain Crowns & Bridges

– Dentures/Partials/Implants…etc.?

What about veneers, crowns and bonding?

This is a question that many patients have when they come into the office. Patients are concerned about how much these procedures will cost, what results to expect and whether or not insurance covers them.

– Veneers can help enhance your smile by covering up stains, chips and cracks in teeth.

– Crowns are typically put on top of a tooth to make it look whiter and brighter.

– Bonding can close gaps in teeth or cover up stains on the front of the teeth.

What is the difference between porcelain veneers and composite fillings?

Veneers are meant to completely change a tooth, while dental bonding only changes the outer appearance. 

Porcelain veneers are a treatment used to change the appearance of teeth. Veneers can be placed over both natural and dental-treated tooth surfaces on anterior (front) or posterior (back) teeth, typically for cosmetic purposes only.

Some common reasons for porcelain veneer treatments include:

– To change the color or shape of teeth

– To correct a chipped tooth

Composite fillings are material used to repair a damaged tooth. Composite resins commonly referred to as white fillings, can be made from different materials and come in various shades ranging from natural looking white to dark grey. The shade is matched by a shade guide to specific tooth color.

Some common reasons for composite fillings include:

– To repair a damaged or decayed area of the teeth

– To restore old silver amalgam restorations those have turned dark with age and wear down over time. In this case, there is no need to remove an existing filling.

– To restore a tooth that has been cracked or broken. If there is a lot of damage to the tooth, it may need to be replaced with an artificial replacement called a dental inlay, onlay or implant.

In both cases when porcelain veneers and composite fillings are used they involve removing some enamel from the surface of the tooth to ensure that the new material fits correctly.

What about crowns and partials/dentures?    Do they have any differences in comparison with composite filling or veneer procedures?

Well, these types of dental restorations are very similar and they both improve the appearance of teeth. Crowns and partials/dentures cover natural tooth structure to restore its shape and size, while composite filling or veneer procedure is used to repair a damaged tooth by adding material on it that improves color, shape or alignment.

Crowns are used to improve the appearance of a tooth when it has been chipped, cracked or discolored. They can also be placed after root canal treatment for strengthening purposes and they are very durable because the material is fused with natural teeth. On the other hand, partials/dentures are removable dental appliances which replace a full set of teeth to improve appearance. They are usually made from a metal frame which is covered in porcelain or plastic and they can be either removable or fixed so the patient has no issues with eating, drinking or speaking after placement.

When it comes to choosing one out of these two procedures there is not much difference between them because their purpose is to improve the appearance of teeth. The only difference could be made by choosing a material that crowns are fused with natural tooth structure and partials/dentures don’t have this characteristic.

Crowns and partials/dentures can vary from patient to patient, but their purpose remains similar which mean improving the appearance of damaged teeth. However, it is important to choose the appropriate one so not only teeth look amazing but also there are no issues with eating or drinking after treatment.

What is the difference between a dental implant and cosmetic dentures?

Dentures are removable false teeth that can be taken out and put in. They are typically made of acrylic, metal or plastic material which is inserted into the mouth either directly on your gums to hold it in place or using a gum adhesive. Dentures have been around for hundreds of years but they do require some maintenance such as keeping them clean.

Dental implants are surgically placed into your jawbone to act as the root of your actual tooth, which then attaches to a replacement crown or bridge made out of porcelain and/or metal materials. Dental implants last for many years if you care for them properly using dental flossing techniques like brushing twice daily and rinsing with mouthwash.

Dentures and dental implants each have their own advantages, but if you would like to replace missing teeth or restore your smile then get in touch with us today! Let our dentist help determine what is best for you.

What are the benefits of porcelain crowns over other types of procedures to fix broken/chipped teeth?

Porcelain is actually stronger than enamel, which makes it more durable.  

Porcelain crowns are advantageous to other types of procedures due to their ability to blend in with surrounding teeth. The procedure involves applying a porcelain cap onto the tooth which serves as reinforcement and restoration for damaged or broken teeth. There is strength associated with this type of implant because it uses your natural tooth enamel so there will be no disturbance to the surrounding teeth.

Other types of procedures may require a natural tooth enamel cap in order for it to be effective and durable; however, this is still not as strong or aesthetically pleasing because there will likely always be some sort of difference in coloration between your natural teeth and the implant which could potentially draw attention away from your smile.

Porcelain crowns also lower the risk of future damage because it is stronger than natural tooth enamel so there will be less worry about re-breaking or chipping teeth again in the future. This benefit makes porcelain crowns a great alternative for people who are looking to restore their damaged/chipped teeth to a healthy, natural state.


What are the benefits of porcelain veneers over composite resin ones to fix teeth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth and misaligned/gapped teeth?

Porcelain veneers are beneficial to composite resin ones because they utilize the strength of natural tooth enamel.

Composite resins can be effective in fixing teeth that have discoloration or chips but it may not last as long as a porcelain veneer would – for this reason, many patients opt to get porcelain veneers to fix teeth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth and misaligned/gapped teeth.

Porcelain veneers are advantageous because they can be bonded on the front of your tooth which means it is significantly more durable than composite resins which would have to sit behind your natural enamel layer in order to be effective. A porcelain veneer is the same size as a natural tooth, which makes it blend in with your teeth and give you an aesthetically pleasing smile that will generate many compliments from friends/family!

Porcelain veneers have better durability because they use natural tooth enamel so there won’t be any problems with discoloration, chipping or damage to the teeth. They’re also more aesthetically pleasing than composite resins because they are an exact replica of your natural tooth – this means there won’t be any inconsistencies in coloration which could draw attention away from your smile!

Can’t they use dental bonding procedures for small issues?  

Porcelain veneers are very thin and therefore don’t require any removal of the underlying enamel

Read More: Cosmetics Dentistry, Dental Veneers, Cosmetic Surgery, Veneers, Composite Veneers

Now that you know the Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatments and Procedures, consult your dentist and pick the most desirable type of Cosmetic treatment for yourself.

Now choosing a clinic for Dental Treatments in Arana Hills, Brookside, and North Brisbane is much easier since My Gentle Dentist clinics have the most 5-star reviews on Google from their clients. So, if you are looking for incredible dental fillings procedures near Arana Hills, Brookside, Mitchelton, Everton Hills, Everton Park, Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Keperra, Stafford Heights, then do consider your local clinic, My Gentle Dentist at Arana Hills, or Brookside to get the best-ever quality gum treatment services. You can also connect with us on Facebook!